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Listening to the episodes of “Never Be Manipulated Again” series will provide you with tips and tools to handle some of the most distressing and problematic behaviors of narcissists.
What Are We Discussing In This Episode?
In this episode, you will learn how to protect yourself from the following manipulation tactics.
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More Information About the Host & Dr. Taylor Damiani
The host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.
Dr. Taylor is a coach and licensed psychologist based in California. She helps adult children of narcissistic parents stop walking on eggshells and step into their power and purpose. Her clients are acutely perceptive of others’ needs, but struggle to put themselves first. Dr. Taylor Damiani helps them come home to themselves and grow in self-love, acceptance and worth.
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Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on