Our Editorial Process

How we provide accurate, actionable, inclusive, and trustworthy content.

Unfilteredd is committed to providing accurate, actionable, inclusive, and trustworthy content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse.

We use an established Editorial Process developed by the Unfilteredd Editorial Team to ensure we’re giving you the best possible information. 

This process has four pillars that the Unfilteredd Editorial Team follows:

1.) Earning and Maintaining Trust

2.) Keeping High Journalistic Standards

3.) Prioritizing Readability, Clarity, Empathy, Inclusivity, Real-Life Application, Quality Sourcing, and Precise Citations

4.) Continual Monitoring and Updating of Content

1.) Earning and Maintaining Trust

Information about narcissism and narcissistic abuse is easy to find, but sometimes, it can be inaccurate, unactionable, exclusive, or untrustworthy. 

We’re here to change that.

We create content that is accurate, actionable, inclusive, and trustworthy.

We address the complex nature of narcissism, narcissistic abuse, healing, and cultivating healthy relationships to help you understand the deep links between emotional trauma and overall well-being.

In alignment with this, we openly and objectively cover various topics and viewpoints related to narcissistic abuse and its aftermath.

We recognize that everyone’s journey through healing is unique, so we champion empathy and inclusiveness.

We’re here — without judgment — for everyone seeking recovery and emotional well-being.

Confidentiality Statement:

In our commitment to raising awareness and providing insights into narcissistic abuse and its treatment, we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of individuals involved.

Please be advised that in any articles or materials featuring examples or case studies related to narcissistic abuse or treatment strategies, all identities have been carefully modified.

This is to ensure the utmost protection of confidentiality for all individuals concerned. Our goal is to share valuable knowledge and experiences while respecting the privacy and integrity of those who have encountered such situations.

2.) Keeping High Journalistic Standards

You come to Unfilteredd to get accurate, actionable, inclusive, and trustworthy content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse.

Therefore, it’s our responsibility to have high journalistic standards. 

Here’s how we ensure we meet these standards:

  • We carefully select contributors and regularly train them. 

    Our editorial team carefully selects expert writers and contributors. We vet our content creators for subject matter expertise and relevant life experience. 

    We teach them about research and sourcing best practices and provide regular feedback and ongoing coaching.
  • Licensed therapists review our content for accuracy, actionability, and trustworthiness. 

    These therapists are from research institutions, professional organizations, and private practices with varied and extensive expertise in their respective fields. 

    In addition, these therapists bring an added perspective thanks to their personal experience with narcissism and narcissistic abuse.
  • The Unfilteredd Editorial Team stays up-to-date on new information. 

    Our content is created by experienced writers and reviewed by licensed therapists. 

    Every day, the Unfilteredd Editorial Team takes a deep dive into the latest research, so you know what’s happening in the world of narcissism and narcissistic abuse.
  • All of our content is checked to ensure it meets our standards. 

    The Unfilteredd Editorial Team analyzes every piece of content before it is published to ensure it meets our editorial standards of accuracy, actionability, inclusivity, and trustworthiness.

3.) Prioritizing Readability, Clarity, Empathy, Inclusivity, Real-Life Application, Quality Sourcing, and Precise Citations

The Unfilteredd Editorial Team focuses on readability, clarity, empathy, inclusivity, real-life application, quality sourcing, and precise citations to ensure our content is relatable and understandable to our readers by relying on an in-house style guide based on the Associated Press Stylebook. 

You’ll notice that the tone of our content is friendly, approachable, inclusive, and compassionate because at Unfilteredd, maintaining a warm, approachable, inclusive, and empathetic style is an ongoing commitment. 

In addition, we regularly engage with our community and research language trends within the narcissistic abuse recovery community to ensure the tone of our content meets our standards.

All sources must be deemed trustworthy and reputable by the Unfilteredd Editorial Team.

Those sources include government agencies, universities and colleges, scholarly journals, industry and professional associations, non-profit organizations, and other high-integrity sources of mental health journalism. 

The Unfilteredd Editorial Team reviews the quality of sources within all content before publication as part of Unfilteredd’s standard publication process.

Unfilteredd may link to external web pages if those pages relate to a source or source material used to inform or create our content. 

We may also link to external web pages if they provide additional information or valuable assistance to our audience.

All outbound links will be directed to web pages deemed trustworthy and reputable by the Unfilteredd Editorial Team and include government agencies, universities and colleges, scholarly journals, industry and professional associations, non-profit organizations, and other high-integrity journalism sources.

The Unfilteredd Editorial Team reviews the quality of external links within all content before publication as part of Unfilteredd’s standard publication process.

Unfilteredd may place outbound links within the body of content when it is presumed the audience will see the target webpage as a resource, not just a source. 

In all other cases, the Unfilteredd Editorial Team will add outbound links to sources at the end of the article in the “Sources” section.

Outbound links will open in a different browser window.

Unfilteredd does not offer links in exchange for payment, access, or any other in-kind arrangement. 

Outbound links will be no-followed if there is any possible appearance of a paid relationship.

4.) Continual Monitoring and Updating of Content

Information about narcissism and narcissistic abuse can change over time as new research emerges, old ideas are disproven, and terminology becomes outdated.

At Unfilteredd, we constantly monitor and update our content to ensure we create the most up-to-date and accurate content possible. 

The writers, editors, and experts part of the Unfilteredd Editorial Team spend a significant amount of time identifying and updating inaccurate or unclear information within our content.

Each piece of our content receives a “written by” tag, signifying who wrote and published the content on our site.

When an expert member from our Unfilteredd Editorial Team reviews a piece of content, it receives a new “reviewed by” tag.

When content is modified, it receives a new “Last Updated on” date. The modifications may include:

  • Corrections of minor inaccuracies.
  • Addition of further information.
  • Replacement of images and sources.
  • Any other change made to improve the value of the content.

Our content updating and re-reviewing is a result of several ongoing processes:

  • Regular audits. 

    We perform regular content audits to address language and terminology changes and trends in the narcissistic abuse recovery community.
  • Annual brand vetting.

    We re-evaluate vetted brands annually and update any content referencing those brands to reflect any changes in the brand’s performance against our vetting criteria.
  • Immediate action from feedback. 

    We invite feedback on our content from our community and take immediate action to address any potential issues. 

    We take immediate action when a reader alerts us about a potential issue with our content — such as inaccurate, outdated, unclear, or contradictory information. 

    The Unfilteredd Editorial Team researches the feedback, determines the revisions needed, and republishes the updated content.

Unfilteredd Does Not Provide Professional Advice

The purpose of the information delivered on unfilteredd.net is to support, not replace, your relationship with your current physicians, therapists, or other health professionals.

Our content is not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health issue. 

Never disregard professional medical or mental health advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on Unfilteredd.

Also, the information provided on unfilteredd.net is not acceptable help for those experiencing an emergency. 

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing an emergency in the United States, visit your nearest emergency room, call 911, call the suicide hotline at 988, or call one of these helplines to receive immediate care and guidance.

For Outside the United States:

  • Contact your local healthcare provider for medical emergencies.
  • Visit the nearest emergency room for urgent medical care.
  • Reach out to your nearest mental health clinic or use national helplines available in your country.

Our Editorial Process, Created for You

At Unfilteredd, supporting you is our top priority. Our Editorial Process ensures we can provide you with the most accurate, actionable, inclusive, and trustworthy content possible. 

We constantly look for ways to improve, so if you have any questions or comments about the accuracy or usability of our content or feel a piece of content needs to be updated, you can easily let us know by emailing us at [email protected].