Shira Collings (she/they) is a pre-licensed therapist in the Philadelphia area. She primarily specializes in working with individuals with eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image distress. In particular, she is passionate about working with LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent folks working toward body acceptance and freedom with food. In addition, Shira has experience working with those who have experienced trauma, including relational trauma, emotional abuse, and religious and spiritual trauma.

Shira’s therapeutic approach is rooted in the Health At Every Size paradigm and body liberation. It is also informed by feminism, disability justice, and queer and trans liberation. They have training in Motivational Interviewing, Dialectal Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, as well as Narrative Exposure Therapy, an approach that empowers survivors of trauma to heal through storytelling. Shira believes that healing comes from feeling heard, seen, and valued, and they strive to create a space in which clients can express their full, authentic selves.


  • M.S. in Counseling and Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Troy University
  • B.A. in Communication from University of Pennsylvania


  • Nationally Certified Counselor

Areas Shira Can Work In:

  • Shira can provide therapy in Pennsylvania and coaching to clients outside of Pennsylvania

Contact Shira:


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