Vanessa Reiser is a mother, entrepreneur, life coach, advocate, and a ground breaking psychotherapist specializing in narcissistic abuse using Therapist Self-Disclosure (TSD); a form of therapy where therapist statements are shared that reveal something personal about the therapist, when an opportunity to create validation exists.

Ms. Reiser graduated from University of Southern California with a focus on Community Organizing, but soon realized that clients responded to her counseling techniques.  Vanessa is dynamic and colorful in her engagements.  This, coupled with her clinical expertise, is where her magic is.  For many years, thousands of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and transformational power of her clinical and life-coaching skills.  Her private teletherapy practice is thriving and grows stronger everyday.

Ms. Reiser is also a founder of The Rockland County Pride Center and a former Board Member for The Center for Safety and Change.  Her focus on helping the disenfranchised is a mission that she works tirelessly toward, especially when it is related to women’s issues as evidenced by her work alongside Dr. Ramani and Marc Vicente.  She is trauma certified and is credentialed in narcissistic abuse.

Vanessa recently ran the entire state of New York in a wedding dress to raise awareness for narcissistic abuse and made international headlines.  Her days are spent supporting those traumatized by this insidious form of domestic violence.


  • University of Southern California

Professional Accomplishments:

  • Founder & CEO-Tell a Therapist, LLC
  • Founder-Tell a Therapist, INC
  • Founder & CEO-Tell a Life Coach, LLC
  • Founder of the Rockland County Pride Center
  • Former Board Member for The Center for Safety and Change

Areas Vanessa Can Work In:

  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Massachusetts
  • Florida

Contact Vanessa:

Articles Reviewed by Vanessa Reiser


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