Lynn was born in East London, England in 1963. She grew up in a family who endured poor mental health, narcissistic behaviors, and addiction issues. As a child and young adult, she battled with chronic depression, fear, and anxiety. In her mid 20’s she went into long term personal psychotherapy and group therapy. This was the catalyst for Lynn becoming a therapist herself, though personal development, increased self-awareness, and behavioral change she was able to turn her life around and began to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. This gave Lynn the desire and passion to help others face their fears and abuse issues while healing and developing self-awareness. Helping clients to live life to their full potential, this is the focus of much of Lynn’s work today.
In 2000 Lynn qualified as a BACP Accredited Person Centre Counsellor at The Metanoia Institute in London. Specializing in addiction and domestic abuse recovery, working with individuals, couples, and groups. During her career as a therapist Lynn has: Counselled in Domestic Violence Agency, been a Service and Development Manager for 2 Addiction Services based in Central London, COO for a Swiss Rehab, Clinical Lead and Supervisor for several addiction recovery organizations. Lynn is the business Owner and Director of ‘Soulworks Counselling Ltd’ working with clients globally, specializing in narcissistic abuse and addiction recovery. Lynn has recently set up ‘Soulworks Training Ltd’ and will be offering training to professionals who wish to work with survivors of narcissistic abuse and to survivors who wish to learn more about narcissism, recovery and develop their knowledge, understanding and self-awareness.
Lynn’s vision and goal in life to bring increased awareness about narcissism and narcissist abuse, thus enabling people to come together to protect, heal, be released from their trauma, recover, and connect to life in a compassionate, loving, fulfilling and healthy way.
- Accredited BACP Person Centered Counsellor – a 4-year BACP Accredited Diploma
- Diploma in Dealing with Narcissism
- Couples and Family Therapy Diploma
- Anxiety Management Diploma
- Diploma in Business Studies
- Registered Member of the BACP.
Contact Lynn:
Articles Reviewed by LYnn Turner
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