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In 5 Strategies episodes, mental health professionals share five clear, practical strategies to help you deal with various challenges that narcissistic abuse causes.

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? 

In this episode, we focus on five strategies that you can use to develop positive core beliefs:

  • Using EMDR to develop positive core beliefs (01:08)
  • “I know my truth” -strategy (27:18)
  • Practice mindfulness and gratitude (37:34)
  • 5 step process to install more positive core beliefs (51:42)
  • Narrative therapy (01:01:13)

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More Information About the Host & CarrieAnn Cleveland

The host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.

CarrieAnn Cleveland is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and she provides therapy for people with a range of issues, including chronic and/or complex trauma, narcissistic abuse, high conflict divorce and custody issues, post-separation abuse, intimacy/relationship issues, and much more. She believes the final developmental stage is the experience of self-acceptance, which includes the ability to set boundaries, speak your truth, and ask for what you need – to feel comfortable within yourself so that you can be unapologetically you, and to live authentically, vibrantly, and joyously.

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Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on